The Straight extract is our answer to the world’s search for cleaner, healthier and simpler food ingredients. Made using simple processes that use only mechanical techniques, This extract can make your products a treat for the eyes and the palate. The flavor and color that these extracts deliver are unmatched by the conventional oleoresin.

The Straight extract (Straights), as the name suggests comes straight from the plant, placing the goodness of minimally processed artisan ingredients in the hands of the Formulator and Food Manufacturer. When you create your next line of seasonings, soups, chorizos, pepperonis, sauces, salads, bakes, goulashes, curries, salsas and stews, Straights will add that perfect natural flavor and color making your product the choice of the consumer.

How are they made?

The Straight Extract is made using a process that employs simple mechanical techniques such as maceration, grinding, etc. to capture flavors and colors that naturally occur in vegetables and fruits. Our low temperature process ensures that all the intrinsic flavor nuances and color hues are preserved in all their natural splendor.

How do I use them ?

The Straight Extract helps you build clean label solutions, which support claims such as Organic, GMO Free, Gluten Free, Vegetarian, etc. The Straight Extract can be added to your food just like a seasoning oil. For more information on the dosage have a look at Straights for Colors or Straights for Flavors on this website.

Are they safe?

The Straight Extract is safer than all other forms of spice extracts. With very low moisture and water activity, it remains stable and conforms to the international guidelines on Microbial loads in food.

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